
Thems Fighting Words!

Today, I have decided to defend the honor of Northern Yankee men.

I stumbled across the anti Yankee top ten list below and could not believe the shi.......err unflattering (Yankee gentleman edit) things that are listed.

 Yankees  get such a bad rap, we do seem to be a little more “excited” at times….but please do not take our aggression as being ungentlemanly like! We are a very thoughtful group that fortunately or unfortunately (depending on your likes) say what is on our mind. So if you don’t like this response you can go and …….errr ..(Yankee gentleman edit) you may read other parts of my blog that are much more uplifting and less controversial.

on the surface, Yankees may seem a Little uptight…......


while our southern brethren may come across as much more………………




 .........Gable  like.

Let's discuss..shall we? 


So this top 10 list starts out with the header “Here are the top 10 reason psychologists, professors and  sex therapists agree – as stated by them, 10 reasons to love southern men over northern men." 
I have responded, Yankee style under each item listed. 

10 reasons to love southern men over northern men

10. They have traditional values.
 “Family connection is important because that’s the way they were raised. The community isn’t as close in the North,” notes Dr. Gail Rouse, assistant professor of psychology at Clark Atlanta University.
Yankee Response: The community isn't that close in the North??...........
What the heck do you call this? We are very close, I remember sneezing in our kitchen one day  and our neighbor saying "god bless you" Can't get any closer  that!
and our family connection up north is very, very  important! 

9. They treat women with R-E-S-P-E-C-T. “A man in the South is admired and rewarded for keeping the tradition of treating a woman the `right’ way. Southern men also have a higher respect for their mother, which is noted to determine how any man treats a mate.” says Dr. Diane Plummer, social psychologist and associate professor-chair of the department of psychology at Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, GA

Yankee Response: Looks like the blog author had to spell it out for us -  R E S E P T C - oh whatever! So we tend to give the ladies a little more of what most of them want.....
……liberation! How does that make us not caring? We understood early on. 
And to say we are less respectful of our mothers?  ........Those are......
.....Fighting words.
8. Southern men accept women unconditionally. Ella Patterson, sex therapist, states that “Southern men have a tendency to accept the package as well as all that is a part of that package, which includes a woman’s children, responsibilities, trials and tribulations”
Yankee Response: Northern men must accept Northern women unconditionally....
 .......our life depends on it. We do get it. 
7. Southern men are more courteous than Northern Men. “They treat a woman the way they would want their mother to be treated. There are values present with Northern men, but they allow society to sway their thinking and values. They get confused with the value system.” says Dr. Diane Plummer.
Yankee Response: Well, sometimes we do show our non courteous side
6. Southern men are more sensitive than their Northern counterparts. “They tend to be more nurturing and accept a woman and the children whom she may bring from a previous relationship. He’ll accept the woman and her family with open arms,” Reveals sex therapist Ella Patterson. “Northern men are perceived as overaggressive, fast-paced, ambitious, insensitive and arrogant.”
Yankee Response: Wait just one moment here, insensitive? where else can you get a nice cuddly Yankee teddy bear?...
At the VERMONT Teddy Bear company of course ! And Yankee men send them to girlfriends/wives AND mothers all! How sensitive is that? (we don't talk about it much, tho) 
5. Southern men believe in working hard to make a relationship work. Dr. Gail Rouse, assistant professor of psychology at Clark Atlanta University says “Southern men are more committed to trying to work on a relationship because its the right thing to do. Northern men believe if the relationship doesn’t work, they can go to another relationship.”
Yankee Response: What's wrong with cutting a crazy  relationship now ?…..

…and save the heartache? 

We have a simple chart we follow..

Northern men work very hard at relationships, we even give up certain things for our ladies..like...

Sleeping on the couch. 

4. Southern men make better fathers.  They teach traditional values to their children. “It goes deeper than cultural and racial aspects. One must look at the person as a whole. Children are products of their environment. If your father puts the family first, you’ll be this way as a husband.” says Dr.  Plummer.
 Yankee Response  I don't know so much....we teach our kids..
Fiscal responsibility...

 And self preservation...

3. Southern Men are more committed partners. “Southern men’s value for relationships makes them more determined and committed toward making a relationship work, which would more than likely make them a better marriage partner,” according to Dr. Gail Rouse

Yankee Response:  We are very committed to relationships.......

We work very, very hard keeping our spouse happy.....

2. They will step up when others don’t. Dr.  Plummer explains, “Southern men are the gentlemen who are more traditional with values instilled. They are also perceived as hard-working. The family comes first.” (I have seen this myself when a friend was pregnant so several of her Southern Male friends proposed.)
Yankee Response: Is this true? So If I was single and see a random pregnant lady walking down a southern  street, I would be able to run over to her and propose? I can see it now..

1. Southern men make better husbands!!!! Dr. Gail Rouse, assistant professor of psychology at Clark Atlanta University,  “Southern men make better marriage partners because they value family.” Ella Patterson adds “There is a high respect for the matriarch of the family down South. They feel that what goes around comes around.”

Yankee response:  How do you even respond to this one? and who is this Dr. Gail Rouse ? and don't you think  being from ATLANTA might have swayed her remarks here on this top ten? Well anyway, I can prove this #1 is false...cause I have  these...


How to Become Famous on Facebook

Here in this post i have explained a way that can make you famous on facebook easily. Just within a few minutes.

Here it goes :

Step 1 : Log in to your facebook account and Click on " Account " at the top right corner of  your home page.

Step 2 : Click " Account setting "

Step 3 : Click Change Name 

Step 4 : Type " Famous " and click "Change name "

Done!!! You  are Famous now (Theoretically)  ! You can also be popular by typing "Popular" instead of "Famous". 

I know if a facebook dislike button would exist then this article would probably get a lot of clicks on that . But it does not exist . So i think its better to click "like" button. At least you can show that your mouse or touchpad really works !


For Pete’s sake

It’s the little things in life…..

I have a very, very tiny spider that has made a home somewhere on or in my work computer. It comes out during the day to keep me company while I am on my computer. It is the tiniest of spiders.  I have looked on the web but can’t find the species; here is the closest I found to what it looks like:

I have named him Pete.

Pete does not know I am writing about him, I wonder what he would think if he knew I was about to share our story online? Would he lawyer-up?  Or would he appreciate the attention, I don’t think he will ever know, or will he?  

It was such an exciting discovery for me (and maybe him too) one of those discoveries that takes you away from the pressing stressful moments in work life and makes you pause and think.

 I found Pete in the middle of one of my frantic work days last week.....

....I was stressing over a report I was working on, the phone was ringing and the boss wanted results yesterday. In the middle of all of this, I see what I thought was a speck on my computer. Touching it with my index finger, this speck grew legs and moved in a spidery way. OH, I say to myself, it’s a darn spider on my computer…not thinking much of it, I carry on with my stressful day, thinking about that spider on the way home. 

The next day I notice Pete strolling across the top of my computer monitor, I get to thinking that it must be like……….

…… walking across a tall skyscraper for this little guy, what a brave sole. what was he thinking? does he think? is he wondering what the heck I am doing pounding away on my keyboard (his home) like a madman. What does this little guy eat? my crumbs from lunch when I eat at my desk? Are there little microbes on my computer screen that keep him happy and fed? Does he leave the computer and go to my desk or chair? That must be like going.....

 .....to the moon for him. Then I thought that if he indeed did go to my chair, will I one day sit on him not knowing and change the balance of things to come somehow?

What a marvelous creature, my arrow cursor is bigger than him, one day he was on the flat screen as I was typing, every now and then I would wiggle the cursor over him (actually, under him) to see if I could make him jump or something.

- no reaction, or was he just mesmerized by the blurring electrons?

I take for granted the 45 seconds it takes me to walk to the bathroom; he will never see the bathroom. His world for now is my computer screen and that seems to be enough for him, for now.

The next day at work, Pete was making his long march across the top of my monitor and for a moment, he stopped and turned at looked straight at me and I at him.

It was a bit of a stare down, sort of a confrontation - man vs. tiny spider. We held the stare down for awhile, I think he blinked his fourth eye...somehow, without saying a word, this stare down was also an affirmation of our existence, in the same place and time. He a tiny spider, me a little larger human. 

Somehow these past few stressful work days seemed to have calmed a bit since meeting Pete. 

I wondered a lot about the things in this tiny spiders little tiny world. How did he end up here in room 1356 on the third floor of a 3 building campus? Did he take the elevator up? Does he have a family? Is family in my computer?  Does he get stressed out during the day when I do? Obviously he is staying and it’s not just a passing acquaintance.      

Was he sent down  from above by a higher authority to get me out of my stressful world and into one that  focused  more on the “little” things in life?

If he could talk, what would he say to me? “Hey man, chill out!” or while sitting on my monitor watching me type would he say something like, “Hey! you spelled asparagus  wrong - dimwit!” 

A Robert Burns Poem; does speak to me in this instance....a couple of passages from the poem here:

I'm truly sorry Man's dominion 
Has broken Nature's social union, 
An' justifies that ill opinion, 
Which makes thee startle, 
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion, 
An' fellow-mortal!

Still, thou art blest, compar'd wi' me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But Och! I backward  cast my e'e,
On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see,
I guess an' fear!

I look for Pete each morning now to see if he has survived the wild world of my office at night, for all I know it could be like.........

.....the Amazon  for him in here at night.

I truly believe Pete is a gift , whether by happenstance or a great divine intervention, Pete got me thinking about life and all its wonders and how every now and then we just have to pause and appreciate the things that we have all around us in life. The little things.  I don’t know how long Pete has been here but I want to thank him for grounding me, for taking me out of myself and bringing me back to the basics. The tiniest of things matter. How many tiny things am I missing?

 If this little fellow had a theme song ………….Tiny Dancer...



23 Funny Ads

I have collected some really funny ads. Actually they are called print ads or picture ads. They are 100% funny. Have fun !

1. Funny Ad by Listermint Mouthwash: Killer Bad Breath!

2. Funny Ad by Ephone : Search quickly to escape !

3. Funny Ad by Nutri Balance: Bad dog unveiled her  boyfriend in front of her husband !

4. Funny Ad by Optilens : Oops! Surely he needs glasses. Not the right one to do that !

5. Funny Ad by Electro Recylcling : _ !

6. Funny Ad by Aquafresh Flexigel : Too Flexible !

7. Funny Ad by McDonald : Real Cow shake i mean Milkshake !

8. Funny Ad by Insect killer : Change the way insects see you !

9. Funny Ad by Linux : ... (I am a windows user !! :-s)

10. Funny Ad by Tesa : Tesa claims that the world needs a tape like this !

11. Funny Ad by Dentastix : Solution to the bad breath !

12. Funny Ad by SBP Insect killer : No insect! Frogs are jobless !

13. Funny Ad by Rowenta : It really sucks !

14. Funny Ad by Pepsi

15. Funny Ad by Nikol Dish : Treat your food to something good

17. Funny Ad by WMF : Too sharp !

18. Funny Ad by Kayaking Peanut

19. Funny Ad by Queer Travel : Whats on the other side ?

20. Funny Ad by Stockholms Hund Forums : What's your dog up to when it's home alone ?(Look at the computer monitor carefully! )

21. Funny Ad by Utopolis

22. Funny Ad by New Ad Bathroom Media Advertising Contest

23. Funny Ad by Career Bulider : May be it's time to move on !

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