
A Yankee's trip to the Zoo - in photo's

 No, not this one.......

There really isn't a place down here that would  make me feel home sick for my northern city roots. So, I went to the closest thing that could get me thinking about up east........the zoo :-)

Now, the Tallahassee zoo is not like a real city zoo. It's missing some major players.. elephants, zebras & monkey's ..you know, the average zoo fare. But it's a nice place to take your family on a Saturday afternoon.

Say hi to cow.............................................

..........looks more like a ham to me.....

The thinker......................

Some people say that mules are lazy and stupid...I don't know , this one seems to be contemplating something very deep.....

If he could talk, don't you here James Earl Jones? "Move along" 


Grand-kids are a very good excuse to revisit your own childhood.......

My wife AJ and little Boo-Boo. 


Don't forget to feed the hamster............

I know, it's not a hamster, it's a stuffed something (Badger?) Boo-Boo did not like this !


You talk-in to me? 

I tried to get old baldy to turnaround for a full frontal shot, but the ranger told me to get off the top of the fence...damn Yankee! 


It's not everyday you come across a panther crossing....

How do they know to cross here? 



This gator looks fake, looks plastic..almost like a lawn ornament. Trust me..his legs moved. I was leaning a little to far over for this shot.....I overheard another zoo goer behind me mumbling something and saying he was clicking to youtube on his iphone..no cnn ireport on this one tho....my wife tugged my over to the bear area...


Awe..cute cuddly bear........

....until he gets hold of you with those massive paws and tears you apart like you know he can....ssssshhhhhhh,  sleep massive bear, sleep.


I look at this photo.......

and I hear banjo's ..like this....


Boo-Boo and Mom.........

Nice grip, Kid! 

Random Photo..........

Eggs & bacon in their natural habitat....I found this most interesting....go figure. So the zoo has an old caboose on the property complete with a set up of how things may have looked back in the day..to include a a plastic (or rubber) breakfast. Can I get a side of Goodyear's to go with this? 


 Did I say we went to the zoo with Boo-Boo? 

Hey Boo-Boo..lets go watch Sponge Bob......

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