I wrote a letter to myself. I’m sealing it an envelope and I won’t open it until I turn 30. I stole this idea from Sarvenaz Tash who posted about her own letter on her blog a while back.
Maybe it’s kind of creepy to read a letter from your younger self, but I couldn’t help it. I wrote the letter with a fine ESVP pen of bluish purple ink. It’s on normal college ruled paper. Not very fancy, but my stationery isn’t very big and doesn’t have lines. It’s the words that count, right?
To start off, there was something very important I wanted to tell myself. That’s a secret. (BUT if you really want to know, you can email me and I’ll tell you.) Then I explained some of the events that are going on in my life right now. That’s also a secret. Just kidding. The stuff that’s going on now is in my blog, so you know about that already. Then I came up with a predictions page. I really have no idea what’s going to happen, but I’m doing it more for fun than to set goals or because I want it to turn out that way.
I asked myself if my favorite colors would still be purple and black. The answer is yes, considering purple has been my favorite color as long as I can remember and black the color of every shirt and accessory I have. Pretty much. I have a few other predictions--like I don't think I'll be married, but I do think I will have a book published.
SO, how much do you think about the future? Does your daydreaming extend to tomorrow or 20 years from now?
Sometimes thinking ahead can make it hard for me to focus on my writing now. It takes a lot of concentration sometimes for me to get into a story, and it's hard when I'm thinking about the future and things to come. People always talk about living in the NOW. I need to live in the STORY.