
Yankee Musings - A Hot Mess

Being a Yankee in the South and experiencing the southern culture leaves me with much to write about. You would think I would have a backlog of writing ideas - I wish!

I don’t have a 5 year master plan of blogs to write, I can’t just go looking for my next topic, it doesn’t work like that, it has to come to me while I am not thinking about writing, or just not thinking about anything (I can actually do this) . I have to get out and experience people, places and things.

My best keyboard experience comes from my day to day experiences, the kind that just happen. If I have to look for it, it’s not there. Not only is it not there, I tend to force it sometimes and am very unhappy with the results. When I do get stuck and things are not just coming to me………..

.........I have to kick start my creative juices. It does not take long for me to get in the zone…An Ipod and a long walk somewhere/anywhere …get’s me in a writing zone quickly..

I am somewhat  eclectic with my musical tastes. I can listen to a song and get so deep in thought that my mind takes me away to a  creative place . Music stirs my emotions. 

Here are a four tunes that will put my mind on the right track..and get me thinking about many things in life..

This one reminds me that I am still here and survived many difficulties...

Something about this song hits a deep chord with me..

This one is a fun song and motivates me

This I will listen to when I run out of coffee...(music starts 10 seconds in)

Bopping to the beat entering a southern grocery store like a Winn Dixie with my headphones on and music blaring is not very southern like. Not very neighborly.

Recently, I did go into the local Winn Dixie just like this, got to the register and moved  the items on to the counter to the beat of James Brown’s  "Get Up"  the lady looked at me as if I was from mars. Here I am with one ear bud out of my ear (to hear anything spoken to me) and the other one in my ear blasting James Brown..all the while checking my blackberry for messages my wife was sending for any last minute grocery items. The cashier  looked at me and called me a “hot mess”. I said “Thank You?”

What is a hot mess ? Talk about creative juices. At first, I was flooded with images not so nice…

I was confused with the statement and had to run home and do what we all do in order  to understand something better - I googled it.

hot mess



(US) IPA: /ˈhɑt.mɛs/


1.     (military) A warm meal, usually cooked in a large pot, often similar to a stew or porridge; or, service of such a heated meal to soldiers. [quotations ▼]
2.     (slang, idiomatic, chiefly US South) A person, thing, or situation in such a state of disarray or disapproval by peers, often in reference to physical appearance, perceived to be disastrously embarrassing, pitiful, or beyond repair.

I don’t think she was calling me a warm meal.

So I took explanation number  2 as her meaning. I would admit, I must of looked a bit in disarray at the counter, but it’s a northern thing..we will multi task everything.........

…… even on shopping trips

The disastrously embarrassing part I did not get at all. Maybe that’s a good thing? 

Hot Mess is not to be confused with the other southern uses of the word mess, like....

A mess of greens :

Southerners love their greens. A time-honored tradition in southern kitchens, greens have held an important place on the table for well over a century, and there is no other vegetable that is quite so unique to the region. Greens are any sort of cabbage in which the green leaves do not form a compact head. They are mostly kale, collards, turnip, spinach, and mustard greens.

In the Southern states, a large quantity of greens to serve a family is commonly referred to as a "mess o' greens." The exact quantity that constitutes a "mess" varies with the size of the family.

There are a  few uses of the word mess down here...the only mess I ever knew about up North was.....

......my living room..

So you see, I had to get out and be myself, go to the local store and have the cashier call me a hot mess, gave me something to think about. While not thinking about writing, I had a writing thought. 

Oh...and If I want to have Southern thoughts..I will listen to this :-)

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