
Magical Child to Boneheaded Adult

Get your butt in the chair and start writing!

This is what I told myself earlier today.  I talk to myself a lot and sometimes it's not very polite, so get used to it.

Back to my bum in the chair.  I have a problem these days, and that problem is that I'm no longer a 15 year-old girl.  I'm "grown up."  Sort of.  It affects my writing a lot.  When I was young--younger--I used to write my heart out.

When I had a novel going, I sat in a chair, literally all day long, and wrote.  I wasn't very fast, because in those days I edited a lot as I wrote.  4 single-spaced pages a day was good, and I think my record was 10.  Yeah, so, I wasn't that speedy, but here's the thing:

I could not tear myself away.  

Wherever that story took place was where I lived.  I was utterly there, amongst my characters.  Interruptions were fatal to the person making them.  I skipped outings and watching movies with my family all the time because what else could compare to MY story?

I would give up many things to be able to live like that again.  Now....a few years later....I'm forcing myself to sit in a chair, slogging through the world I've created, checking the clock to see how long I've been at it.

Where has the magic gone?  Can anyone relate?  How do I return to that dream state shrouded by magical words?  Why couldn't Peter Pan take me to Neverland with him?      

Photo credit: http://www.onenewspage.com/news/Technology/20110605/22924540/Dogs-On-Tiny-Rocking-Chairs-Will-Groupon.htm

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