
Happy Imperfect Not-Valentine's Day. Whoot.

Hello, I'm a perfectionist. 

I've started at least three stinking posts this week. All of them have been saved as drafts. They will remain drafts until I can torture them with my instruments of perfectionism. More likely they will never see the light of your computer screen. 

Especially since one of them was about how stupid I think Valentine's Day is. And in case you haven't noticed, VD is over. Oh...for all you Valentine's Day lovers, I'm totally kidding. I wasn't going to rant on VD. Seriously, it's a great time of love and Hallmark cards and pink. And for all you Valentine haters, I was totally going to rant on VD and all the saps I saw buying wine and flowers at the store. Take your pick. 

Back to perfectionism. 

I have two reasons that prevent me from posting a post:
  1. The ideas I have are stupid as Valentine's Day
  2. The ideas I have are great. 
When my ideas are stupid, I'm too embarrassed to show them to the millions of people reading this blog.  When my ideas are great, it takes too long for me to write them. Obviously. They have to be perfect, remember? 

That leaves me with a mixture of stupid and not-perfect posts. Which is why this blog is so insanely popular. Kind of like Valentine's Day.

This whole perfectionist thing is a pain. I've already gone back and changed several words while I write this. Like, it bothers me that the first sentence of this paragraph starts with the word "this" and the second sentence in this paragraph ends with the word "this" because I feel like I'm using "this" too many times. Not only that, I try to be very careful about how I phrase things. I don't want people to read it the wrong way and be offended or think I'm stuck up or whatever tragedies can occur from reading my blog posts. So, if you ever get emails from me, just believe that I've spent twice as much time on mine than you have on yours. And I've probably used a thesaurus. And copied and pasted at least 3 times to move my sentences around.

It starts to sound a little maniacal when I write it all out, doesn't it? Kind of like the shoppers on Valentine's Day. 

So my blogging resolutions are...
  1. Be  asmessy as posible--do whatever I need to do just to write it.  
  2. Don't proofread it 3 times before I publish it. 
By the way, I'm kind of failing already. I decided to write about this topic because I figured it was a good way to get a short post in before I got back to revising. I've been working on this for 25 minutes and counting.

As far as novel writing is concerned, my perfectionistic personality is a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because I really think everything through. It's a curse because I go insane thinking everything through.

So while I'm sitting here trying to think of a good ending for this post, let me just say that I really don't have anything against Valentine's Day, except that it's stupid, and I'm seriously happy for people who like it. I'm serious this time. Please don't hate me if you like Valentine's Day.

Despite all my efforts, I think I've still managed to embarrass myself with this post... But I just have one final question:

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