Hi ladies and all the lurking guys!
Since posting the first instalment of Girly Talk on hair couple of weeks ago, I haven't received any complaints or hate mail. Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to bring backGirly Talk but concentrate on a different matter this time round.
However, before we proceed any further, I would like to make a quick announcement:
to lurk – czaić się, przeglądać fora internetowe nie zostawiając komentarza itp.
an instalment – odcinek, partia
a complaint – skarga, zażalenie
hate mail – unpleasant or cruel letters from someone who dislikes you
to bring back – przywrócić
this time round – tym razem
before we proceed any further – zanim przejdziemy dalej (to proceed – kontynuować)
make a quick announcement – podać krótki komunikat (an announcement – komunikat)
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I do not consider myself a fashion or a beauty blogger nor do I aspire to be one ;). Anyone who knows me knows well that I've got as much fashion senseand style as a 12-year-old boy. LITERALLY. Thus, any fashion and beauty-related posts are strictly for linguistic purposes and are NOT to be understood as fashion or beauty advice.
Now that we've got this business out of the way, we can move on to the focusof today's post which are bags. Small bags, big bags, bags for school, for work and minute party bags on silver chains :) We all have at least one in our possession and some of you have tens of them.
to consider yourself someone – mieć siebie za, postrzegać siebie jako
to aspire to be – aspirować do miana
sense – zmysł, wyczucie
literally – dosłownie
thus – tak więc
for linguistic purposes – dla celów językowych
out of the way – za sobą/ za nami
to move on to – przejść do
the focus – główny temat
minute – drobniutki, malutki /my-new-t/ (this is not a dictionary transcription, but I think it should help you)
a chain – łańcuch, łańcuszek
in possession – w posiadaniu
You might be confused by the terminology. While British girls call it 'a bag', American gals usually refer to it as 'a purse'. In British English, however, a purse is a type of a wallet.
a gal – dziewczyna
to refer to something as – nazywać coś
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Whether it is for financial reasons or because of personal beliefs, ladies are now more likely to opt for a bag made of pleather(plastic leather). I've been going even further and purchasingbags with just pleather details. Here's why:
Friend: Wow, I love your new bag. Is it real leather?
Me: Thanks. No, it can't be. I got it at Reserved. It's probably artificial leather.
Two weeks later
Me: Damn!
Friend: What's the matter?
Me: The bloody leather is coming off my new bag!
pleather/ artificial leather/ imitation leather – sztuczna skóra
to opt for – wybierać
to purchase – kupować
pleather details – wstawki ze sztucznej skóry
bloody – przeklęta
to come off – schodzić
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I remember this dilemma quite well. Which should I go with: silver or gold? If I buy a bag with gold hardware (buckles and zips), I won't be able to wear silver bracelets or silver rings. If I decide on a bag with silver elements, I will have to wear silver accessories all the time. Really tricky. Thank god, now it's all in the past. It's not only acceptable but also preferable to mix silver accessories with a bag with gold details!
a dilemma – dylemat :-)
hardware – metalowe elementy
a buckle – sprzączka
a zip/ zipper – zamek
a bracelet – bransoletka
accessories – dodatki
tricky – trudne, skomplikowane
it's all in the past – to już przeszłość
Give me a tote bag and I will fill it with the so called necessities! I carry nose drops when I don't have a cold and my prescription glasses when I'm wearing contacts. Before I leave, I throw in extra pens, tissues and I have recently started carrying around a bottle of the nail polish I happen to be wearing. I do that just in case I might need one of these items ;) If, however, all I have is a small clutch, I will be fine. Just deprived of all my necessities.
a necessity – artykuł pierwszej potrzeby
nose drops – krople do nosa
prescription glasses – okulary korekcyjne
a nail polish – lakier do paznokci
just in case – na wszelki wpadek
an item – przedmiot
deprived of – pozbawiona
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Women are infamous for the mess in their bags. It seems like your hand takes a plunge into a bottomless ocean when you try to find something in a woman's purse. I personally don't mind the mess though. I once owned a messenger bag. It had a multitude of pockets and compartments and every single thing had its place. However, I could never remember what went where and would often panic that I lost my home key or my wallet. It seems messenger bags are just not my thing ;)
be infamous for – cieszyć się złą sławą ze względu na
take a plunge – zanurzać się
a multitude of – wiele
a compartment – przegródka
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I hope you enjoyed this Girly Talk. Let me know your favourite type of bags in the comments below :)
See you in the next post!
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