
My Own Lil Pep Talk

I found something I wrote from two years ago.  It was supposed to be for my eyes only, so please don't tell the unsuspecting me that I posted this.

I'm not sure if it's profound or cringeworthy.  You can decide for yourself...but you don't have to tell me which.

If you are a writer, you must do your duty. 
What is my duty?
Your duty is to write.  
It may seem like I am stating the obvious here, but you’d be surprised how often we need to be reminded of the obvious.  Take me, for instance.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come across a brilliant story idea and been too lazy, too tired, too busy or too fearful to write it.  
As a writer of stories you have a special calling.  No one else can tell the same stories you can or in the same way.  Unless you bring these stories into the world, no one else ever will.  It doesn’t matter if you are writing for millions of fans or just for yourself.  You have a responsibility to combat the laziness, exhaustion, business and fear and write whatever it is on your heart to write.  
Now go do your duty.   

What a sage. 

So, do you have any self-enforced responsibilities?
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