To all my new followers: WELCOME! You are the best-est, and I thank you most humbly for joining me. Many of you are readers, and I hope that someday, I may be able to give you ARCs of my own stories.
For today I want you to ask the question "What if?"
I always hear authors talking about how their *published* story began with "what if" questions. What if the princess didn't kiss the frog? What if Pinocchio's nose fell off? What if the Pumpkin-into-a-Coach spell wasn't working the night of the ball?
I have no idea. Truth be told, I have never consciously used this method to write a story. It probably happens unconsciously--when I'm trying to get my character out of a problem. But I've never used it as a method. In fact, the only reason I'm writing this post is because I saw a book on the shelf next to my computer entitled What If? But as it happens, I'm very glad I am writing this post by chance.
Because I've just realized that the "What IF" question is a very good idea. It works! I'm already getting excited about the noseless Pinocchio story! SO, my question for YOU is "What IF......?" Don't balk at any idea...just let them flow and you'll be amazed by how much booty you collect. You can even use the comments section to get started (I won't steal your ideas). If you've already used What IF? how did it work for you?
Last but not least, my giveaway is still going on.