
Business English: Job Market

Hi, I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your weekend.

I have recently read an article from the September 10th 2011 issueof the Economist (My Big Fat Career) on the current situation and the future of the job market.
I found it really interesting and decided that I wanted to share the more interesting bits with you.

The internet has been playing a major role on the job market for quite some time now. Jobhunters go online when they wish to gatherinformation on their potential boss, salary levels or the interview process, whereas recruiterscomb the net for any trace of their potential employees' activity. In turn, jobseekersmust clean up their acton the internet, or else they are not going to secure an interview for themselves.

The net proves useful when positions are to be filled. It turns out a lot of hiring happens without applicationsand job offers but through personal recommendations on social networking sites.

In the future, professionals from different branches might not only exchange useful contacts, but also trade intelligence, advising each other on how to do each other's jobs more effectively. This knowledge plus a new expertise acquiredevery couple of years will prove necessary for staying in the lucrative market of highflyers. Without updating your resume, you might lag behindothers who are more flexible and willing to learn new skills.

Your social capital, or the people surrounding you, will prove crucial in the future. The article differentiates between three different groups of people you might surround yourself with:

a posse – a group of up to 15 people whom you can trust and pick brains from and whom you can potentially start a business with when times are rough;
a big ideas crowd – a group of open-minded and talented people who will inspire you;
a regenerative community – family and friends, who will offer you support and company.

Nowadays, freelancers tend to work from home, which might make them feel isolated or even depressed. The future might see them want to be surrounded with other people and to do so they will rent a bit of space in places called hubsor collaborative workspaceslocated in big cities. 


Today's employees don't want to just make a living. They wish to combine making money with helping the community and they look for jobs which offer a sense of social purpose. Working for non-profits, where workers are paid salaries, is becoming more and more popular.

In the future, freelancers, whose work is going to be more gig-like and short-term, are going to need to unite and work together towards protecting their interests. Instead of forming traditional trade unions, it is more likely that they will join organisations which will act on their behalf and do such things as negotiate better healthcare, pensions and other benefits.

To read the article, please visit:

Hope you enjoyed this short summary!

an issue – wydanie
the job market – rynek pracy
jobhunters – poszukujący pracy
to gather – zbierać
recruiters – firmy lub osoby rekrutujące pracowników
to comb the net – przeczesywać internet
jobseekers –poszukujący pracy
to clean up one's act – poprawić swoje zachowanie
to secure an interview – zostać umówionym na rozmowę o pracę
an application – podanie o pracę
social networking sites – portale społecznościowe
to trade intelligence – wymieniać się fachową wiedzą, rozwiązaniami, informacjami
to acquire a new expertise – nabywać nowe umiejętności
lucrative – lukratywny
highflyers, highfliers – zdolni i ambitni
to update your resume – tut. wzbogacać życiorys/ CV
to lag behind – pozostawać w tyle
to prove crucial – okazać się decydującym
a posse – grupa, paczka
to pick somebody's brains – poradzić się kogoś
regenerative – tut. wspierająca, oferująca wsparcie
a hub – ośrodek, centrum
collaborative – wspólna
a social purpose – cel społeczny
non-profits – organizacje typu non-profit
gig-like – tymczasowa (o pracy, zatrudnieniu)
trade unions – związki zawodowe
to act on somebody's behalf – występować w czyimś imieniu
benefits – świadczenia

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