
News, Giveaway, Twitter

I wanted to give you Part 2 of "On Your Mark, Set...Wait..." right away but I have too much news! (Part 2 is still coming soon.)

1.  I'm now on Twitter!  You can follow me @RainLaaman.  I don't have any followers yet, so you could be the first.  I'm still in the excited, I-don't-know-how-it-works stage, but I'll figure it out.
2.  I ALMOST have 50 followers.  You lovely people are awesome!  So, my 50 follower giveaway is coming soon.
2. --Wait, I already did two--3.  I know there was something else, but I totally forgot what it was...
3.  Sarvenaz Tash is having an awesome giveaway on her blog!

Thanks for reading my little newspaper.  What's your news?

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