What people say when they receivea gift is usually: “awwwwww, you shouldn't have”! And that is no good for me. I dont't want to hear that!!! For one thing, I usually know what I shouldn't have done and that is definitely not getting you something! (It's eating this candy bar right after having breakfast!) Spending time on looking for a perfect gift for you and then giving it to you and seeing you smile in gratitude is something I should do. It's something we should all do. No exceptions! :P
get somebody a gift – kupić komuś prezent
put my heart into – włożyć w coś serce
items – przedmioty
narrow them down to – zawężać listę do
for hours on end – godzinami
rushing – spiesząc się
spin – wirować
you shouldn't have – nie powinnaś była (dosłownie), niepotrzebnie
for one thing – po pierwsze
a candy bar – batonik