However, that was nothing out of the ordinary. What made me laugh, though, was a comment she made on the same day and it was about people who are now in their 20's or 30's. She jokingly said that in her head she always thinks that they must have grown upduring the war. She was also very surprised to learn that as children my friends and I knew and used joysticks. (For young people out there who only know their pads, here's a picture of a joystick:)
Now that makes me wonder how I really feel about my age. Let's see then.
ExhibitA: It was not long ago when trying to buy a can of my favourite sweet beer I always got carded. Thatdoesn't happen any more. LOL.
Exhibit B: On my last girls' night I asked my girlfriends: “Does this scarf make me look old?” They said: “No!”
But all jokes aside, I also think that no matter how old we are, we should think of ourselves as young. Why? Because it's just better than worrying about each passing year. As long as we can pull off a jeans-and-a-t-shirt look and still feel fabulous, I think we're fine. And in Barney Stinson's voice, we are awesome.
a fourth-grader – czwartoklasistka
to cover materials – przerabiać materiały
a catchy tune – wpadająca w ucho melodiamakeup (make-up) – makijaż
nothing out of the ordinary – nic nadzwyczajnego
in their 20's – mający dwadzieścia parę lat
jokingly – w żartach
They must have grown up... – na pewno dorastali
an exhibit: dowód rzeczowy
a can – puszka
get carded – być poproszonym o okazanie dowodu osobistego
a girls' night – babskie wyjście
all jokes aside – żarty na bok
passing – upływający
pull off – tut. dobrze wyglądać w