
Pigskin and Pickled Pigs Feet

So...as a good Northerner, I got a little cocky and decided to tell the world that if my beloved New England Patriots lost to the hated NY Jets, I would eat a plate of Pickled Pigs feet. Never really thinking it would come to that..you know, Tom Brady and company, going to the super bowl and all that. 

Well, the Pats did what I am about to do with these little piggy feet:

This is what I get I get for putting my foot or these feet squarely in my mouth. 

I have never had Pickled Pigs feet before, actually, I have no clue on how to buy or eat these things. Serves me right! So I go to the local Winn Dixie Supermarket and look for the different brands of pigs feet, Maybe they ran out, you know, had a rush on pickled pigs feet, that would be a relief...BUT..not to my surprise there it was, a jar right by the meat section. It seemed to be , like the Jets, taunting me...

Let's do this! So I purchase the jar, telling the lady at the register that I lost a bet and that's what's up with the pigs feet. I did have to pump myself up for this and was ready. 

Nothing could prepare me for what came out of this jar. First off, I struggled a bit with the lid, it did come off but not before spewing on the floor a jelly like substance that reminded me of the inside of a Sterno can. 

The cats and Max the dog immediately came running to the area were the jelly hit the floor, almost like it was emitting some secret animal smell...Yum..pickled pigs feet jelly! 

Now, max is a smart dog..............

Maybe he was telling me something, could it be that pickled pigs feet jelly is a miracle cure for something? Just put it on toast and.....oh never mind...

It went downhill from there. 

I managed to plate the feet, not at all what I expected, I couldn't make out the feet with all the jelly gunk on them...

Gross! my wife was not impressed with this at all....her being Jewish just added to the feeling of how wrong this was....

Anyway, me being a man of my word, I went in.......

And came right back out............

 I had a good mouthful and can honestly say that I will never, ever do that again and will discourage anybody who will listen from doing the same. 

There is a lesson here........

When putting your foot in your mouth, make sure it's your own. 

What was the weirdest thing you ate for a bet or just to try out? 

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