
Funny Cat Pictures

Funny Angry Cat : Killing mode !

Funny Dancing Cat : Oho..Its really great at figure skating !

Funny Rockstar cat : Yaah.. u can rock!

Funny cat as judge : Hmm ... Proceed !

Funny Cat Leader : Brothers and sisters ... Keep quite and listen to me ! - Cat!

Funny Cute Cat : Its Mine!

Funny Cat in Tiger Mood : I am the Tiger , Not Tiger woods - Cat !

Funny Cat Army on Parade!

Not Funny But too Smart Cat !

The Poor Cat Woman !!!
NB: All pictures are collected from google image.


A Yankees New Southern Toy - Updated


I thought I would show the progress of my restoration of a 1976 Ford F100. I have posted the new pics below,  after my original photos of the truck that I took when I first bought it. It's coming along, thinking of the final color ...cherry red?? 

When in Rome….Buy a pickup truck!

Well, I went ahead and purchased a 1977 Ford F100 pickup truck. It does qualify as an antique. This will be the first time in my life I have owned one. Every other vehicle down here is a truck of some sort, so now I feel like I truly belong.:-)

**New Updated Photo's**

I am now in the market for proper down south pickup truck attire……..

I don’t think I can pull that off, but it would sure give me the “right of way” in many roadway situations!

I think I will just go traditional………….

I may decide to wear a flannel shirt, jeans, overalls, and ball cap,(Red Sox logo) Perfecting the classic pick up driver look with a bit of a Boston touch.

I took Max (our dog) out for his first ride in it , (in the cab) I let him out to run around in the park and when it was time to go, he would not get back in! ….

I think it’s going to take a few more trips for him.

Driving a pick up truck with my northern flair for the dramatics while driving- is not a good mix down here…. It's a different driving culture in the south.Up north we yell, swear and get all red faced. Here it's simple, it's what is not said that is important

Q: Who has the right of way when 3 cars and a pick up truck approach a four-way stop
at the same time?

A: The pick up truck with the gun rack and the bumper sticker saying
"Guns don't kill people. I do."

That guy gets to go first ......

I just may be a little passive myself at first and try these on for size..

Pickup truck tips are welcomed :-)


It's hard to hide a Yankee....we don't blend very well.

From Wikipedia

"Camouflage is a method of crypsis (hiding). It allows an otherwise visible organism or object to remain unnoticed, by blending with its environment. Examples include a tiger's stripes, the battledress of a modern soldier and a butterfly camouflaging itself as a leaf. The theory of camouflage covers the various strategies which are used to achieve this effect.There are several different types of hunting camouflage. The use of each one is dependent upon the area in which the hunter is going to hunt. It can range in appearance from a mossy oak pattern to a sage brush pattern for hunters of large mammals. Waterfowl hunters can have camouflage that resembles swamp reeds."

One of my dad's favorite quotes was: "Kids should be seen and not heard"  It may be safe to say that down here, it is best to be heard and not seen. I am not good at this. It's hard to hide a Yankee, we don't blend very well. 

Camouflage attire is all the rage though. Down here, you will see a whole family dressed in camouflage in the meat section at Walmart. Are they hiding from the ground hamburger, waiting for the right moment to surprise it and place it in the shopping cart?

 The pattern is on everything! and worn everywhere!  It is worn in places that actually make you stick out in the crowd. I can see that guy in aisle 15 at the local super market dressed in Camo wear head to toe. He does not blend in very well with the potato chips. 

I think if you want to go shopping and not be seen, this is probably the better way to go..

Not all camouflage is worn…if you want to take a Sunday drive and not be seen, try this…

If you are skeptical about camouflage actually working on vehicles...

Although, I think If I am going to camouflage my car, it would probably be more realistic and look a little like this...

How about going to play golf in one of these….

A real good way to sneak up on the 13th hole or…..if you having a bad round, just slip into this and you will avoid the harassments from your buddies. 

While in the bathtub and you are a little embarrassed to show who you share your bath with, you can get one of these.

Easy fix, nobody will ever know! Or you can do like I do err, um, I mean a good friend of mine does and bathes with something a little more manly..

Sport a chair like this…

And you will entertain your friends and family for hours having them wonder on what the heck is holding you up ?

Self conscious about your big feet? We have something just for you…..
Hide them, in style!!

Expensive tastes ? try a pair of these...

Want to have a stealth dinner?

Even in your most personal times, you can experience that feeling that you are hiding something…

Not to be out done, some Yankees have tried their hand at the art of camouflage:

 I really have not caught the camouflage fever, but I am really thinking about trying  it...I may try it one of these days at work during a casual Friday...something like this...

I can attend the staff meeting without being noticed and hear if they talk about my management style behind my back, wont they be surprised. 

Can you see me in the photo below? Take a good look. Pretty good camouflage, huh? 

Well, maybe a Yankee can hide after all, behind the camera  :-)

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