
I am not an A N I M A L !

I just multi task!

Nothing wrong with that, right?

I multi task everywhere, all the time. I even multi task when I stop to smell the roses…

I am multi tasking as I write this blog. In this age of technology, it has become easier to do many things at once. I like it, but people in my town think I am a little over the top. “That Yankee is crazy”  I can almost hear them say under their breath. I know while at work multi tasking takes on a new meaning of productivity. But on the weekends, it seems like it’s more of a fun type of multi tasking but also productive....I think...no? Here I am in the line at Wal-Mart, ipod in my ear listening to my music while updating twitter of my status just after sending a text to my wife complete with pics of the Brussels Sprouts I will be bringing home…(important stuff, huh?) oblivious to the world around me. The lady at the register is looking at me and moving her mouth but I can’t hear a word she is saying.  “Plastic is fine” I say, as i take off the ear buds.  She said “I figured as much, but I was asking if you are having a good day” I think I need to work on that part a little bit.

Multitasking is an art form. Done right, you can be very productive. But you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times or this could happen……

 As far as multitasking goes, that lady in the video above is all wet!  - ba-dum-bum-CHING

Ok so I don’t do lines in shopping centers well, who does?, I hate to wait. At a restaurant I like my order up pronto but am not and ass about it. I have actually become better at this while in the south and can wait a whole 7.5 minutes (enough time to catch up on the breaking news on my Evo) before I start ........................

.......tapping my fingers on the table.

I don’t do traffic well, I do try to keep the multi tasking down to a minimum here for obvious reasons….

But I am all about road courtesy. If you have a right turn blinker on for 34 miles on a small and narrow road, I will flick on many of my controls to try and let you know that you still have your blinker on, this is an art form and rarely does it work. .. but I do feel all the better trying to alert my fellow travelers. Having a blinker on for an extended period of time does frustrate the drivers behind you and I have to believe adds to the wear and tear of your cars electric system. Just look at all that needs to happen just to get your blinky to work: (insert little blue pill joke here) 

In conversations, I seem to always want get to the point, I am not rushing the conversation, just making it a little more direct. I have a mental picture in my head whenever I am in a business or casual conversation...

 And your point is?  It may surprise you that I am a very good listener.  When I am zeroing in on the question/topic/point/answer in a conversation, my mind is going a hundred miles an hour processing all that information cutting away the fat to get to the meat of the point. Not in a rude way. That's how I have always been. 

I get looks like, who does he think he is, that Damn impatient Yankee!

I don’t do small talk, I never did. “Nice weather we are having?”..ummm yes, I would like to place my order please..Now this may come across as rude, especially down here. But I am a very nice guy, just don't do the small talk thing. Prattling on about the weather or the  traffic is such a human knee jerk reaction to say something-anything! But if you want to talk about things of substance while moving my groceries to the bag, such as :

 I am all for that, engaging and educational! 

I do get strange looks when i am about. I sometimes feel like the elephant man and in the middle of everything I feel like I want to yell =======> I AM NOT AN ANIMAL! I am Just trying to send a photo of Brussels Sprouts to my wife while listening to Kings of Leon.......reading the latest in news while downloading Angry Birds...Your point ?  :-)

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