
Blog Aug Series: Hypothetical Day

I know you've all been waiting for it--breathlessly, hopelessly.  Now the time has finally come for the newest edition to my Blog Aug Series!  (Yes, I just came up with that title a second ago.  It stands for Weblog Augmentation, or in other words, I'm trying to make my blog less lame.  I started the whole idea in this post here, but now it has an official name.)    

And the newest edition is...
Hypothetical Day!

Wait, how did you know that already?  Oh, yes, it was in the title of this post.  Anyway...let me explain.  Whenever I feel like it, I give you a hypothetical question that you HAVE to answer.  It's pretty simple.  Ready?  Here's the question:

Let's say you have an agent and she finds you a deal with the book publisher of your dreams.  They offer you a six-figure deal and guarantee that it will be a bestseller.  (Remember, this is hypothetical.)  There is, however, a catch!  This is your only chance to ever publish this story, but if you do...you will have to wear the same outfit every day for the rest of your life. Would you do it?

People begin to wonder why you have no sense of style.  
Why does he/she always wear the same thing every single day?  
Does he/she have a mental condition?
Or was it just part of Rain's Hypothetical Day?!   ;-]      

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