
Catching Up Blog World

I've been getting "tagged" a lot recently. Meaning fellow bloggers want me to participate in bloggy things. This sudden status of being "It" could mean one of two things. 1) I'm suddenly cool. I have left the nerd ranks and I'm climbing up Coolness Mountain. Or 2) My friends realize how lame my blog is, and they're trying to help me. Because, let's face it, sometimes we just need HELP.

I'm guessing it's 2.

I've posted all three at once--and if I tagged you feel free to pick and choose, or not do any.

So, my writer chum BR Myers nominated me for a blog award called...the Liebster Blog. See?

Liebster probably means "lobster" in German or something. But basically it's an award for losers like me who have less than 200 followers. Not that Bethany thinks I'm a loser. Not that people who have less than 200 followers are losers. DEFINITELY NOT. Ok, that pretty undoes everything I just said, except the part about lobster.

Moving on.

The rules for accepting the award are as follows:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.
-Thank you, Bethany!
2. Nominate up to 5 others for the Liebster Award.
3. Let said bloggers know via comment on their blog.
4. Post the award on your blog.
-I'll think about it.

The second tag I received is from my friend Rachel Pudelek

Here Are The Rules:
1) Go to page 77 or your current MS
2) Go to line 7
3) Copy down the next 7 lines as they're written--no  cheating
4) Tag 7 other writers
5) Let them know

I drew from my Pansytale novel that I queried last year. It's on hold right now (needs a little more work) while I finish my new novel.

“Malogro,” Felipe cried, rolling on the floor with his paws tied together. “You have saved my life! I am eternally grateful to you, O noble ogre. I will serve you forever. I’ll bring you cold lemonade every morning. I’ll––I’ll sing to you every hour. I’ll––”
“Do nothing of the sort,” Malogro jumped in hastily. He untied Felipe’s feet. “I owed you one for taking me on your hat to see the world.”
“Oh, yes, of course,” Felipe replied just as hastily, happy to be freed from servitude.

Pretty self explanatory.

The third award is from Deana Barnhart

1. Favorite Color: Black--and Purple (a tie)
2. Favorite Animal: cat
3. Favorite Number: 8
4. Favorite drink: water
5. Facebook or Twitter: twitter
6. My passion: writing
7. Getting or Giving presents: I like giving when it's spontaneous. If the recipient is expecting it I'm too nervous that they won't like it.
8. Favorite Pattern: zebra
9. Favorite Day of the Week: Um. Any day I can write.
10. Favorite Flower: lilacs or honeysuckle - because of their scent.

Most bloggers I know have already done these awards, so I only tagged 3 new "its." Check out their blogs!

Lisa Marie 

Joseph Ramirez

By the way, "Liebster" means "beloved" or "dearest"in German. It has nothing to do with lobsters. 
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