
Where were you when the lights didn't go out?

I will survive…..................

Rapture ready!

I was ready. Sitting in my bunker, in my backyard, hoping my supplies…….

578 cans of Spam.......
A Yanni CD..........


12 cases of Bud.............


…… would last the night (I have a very aggressive appetite).  I was spending my time thinking of exactly what will be taking place up above in the next few hours. Where do I fit in the queue of rapturedom? Pondering over my life, I remember that I have done some things that may have me far down the list of one who would be ruptured immediately. 

* I stood up a blind date once, only after driving by at first to see how she looked
* I cheated on my 5th grade math test - The teachers couldn't see that tiny calculator in the palm of my hand? 
*I told my sons there really - honestly-no kidding was a Santa Clause
*That piece of gum from the candy counter really was loose and I did think it was mine anyway..

Will  the rapture be a peaceful experience? If so, why am I hiding in a bunker? Maybe because I grew up in an Irish Catholic neighborhood in Boston ? Those nuns were very strict! I think I quickly associated the Rapture with Armageddon…and took action!

Not too surprised – (Come on, did you not for at least a split second drift into a “what if” thought?) 

The rapture did not happen….

Coming up from my bunker, I noted a distinct smell and sight of sameness. I quickly looked around to see what the destruction may be or who may be lurking.  Why am I in zombie mode anyway? Why am I thinking of Zombies ?

 I needed to investigate further my thought on this whole rapture = zombies thing....hello android and hello Wikipedia

In Christian eschatology, the Rapture is a reference to the being caught up referred to in the Biblical passage 1 Thess 4:17, when in the End Times the Christians of the world will be gathered together in the air to meet Jesus Christ.
The primary passage used to support the idea of the Rapture is 1 Thessalonians 4:15–7, in which Paul cites "the word of the Lord" about the return of Christ to gather his saints.
...and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord

Okay, so it's the dead in Christ rising first statement that could be a little zombie-ish.  

Anyway, i guess I was looking for some sort of change anything, maybe that was really the reason for us all to get caught up in the rapture hype, subconsciously or consciously, we were looking for change in the world..in 

My dog Max was on the patio and looking at me as if to say, " Are you coming in now?-geesh!" I hear my wife calling me for dinner..Is this my real wife or a zombie replacement ? (Place wife joke here) She made steak this evening, (where is aunt Margie?)

Under further inspection...The Satellite TV didn't lose any channels, the lawn still needed mowing,  and the Red Sox blew a late inning lead to lose the game....ahhhh.....the world truly hasn't changed and it seems like everybody is still in it. 

Anybody looking for a Spam/Yanni party?..I have the hats...........

Where were YOU when the lights didn't go out ? 

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