
Extreme Writing

You don't have to do extreme sports to get that same adrenaline rush, you know. There are plenty of other ways to get your blood flowing.  For instance, you could act in a play that lots of people will be watching.  You could stand in the middle of downtown and start singing at the top of your lungs.  Or you could write a novel and send out query letters to agents.

Yesterday I sent out my first query email ever.  It was fun.  One hour and 49 minutes later I got my first rejection ever.  That was not as fun, but still fun.  I mean, it's nothing personal for an agent to reject my story, and I'd rather get the big R right away than wait 8 weeks for it.  That was not the only query I sent out, but I probably do get to wait for the other rejections.  I mean...offers.

I've been working on editing Pansytale for quite some time, and when the time came for me to query, I didn't really feel like it was the time.  Know what I mean?  Like maybe I should edit some more.  Like maybe I suddenly realize that agents are going to be reading my query letter and now it doesn't sound so clever.

Whatever happens, I decided that I must--MUST--make this Sunday a day of rest.  I've been married to my manuscript.  I have so much work I could still be doing today.  Sometimes I feel like I could just keep going and going (like the Energizer bunny).  BUT I need to take a break.  At some point I'll get burned out and have to take an even longer break.  Besides, it's good to get perspective by taking a step back.  

Today I'm blogging and reading books and other blogs.  What do you do on your day off?     
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