
Plummeting Into Books

Tonight I fell into a book.  Not as a character in that world.  Not as a critic.  Not as a reader.  I was purely myself, overtaken by words, and longing, and longing for words, and to be swallowed by words that satisfy that longing and makes it deeper at the same time.  I was consumed in that rush of words, but devoured them at the same time.

And then I was a reader wanting to fall in every fantasy that ever was, and a writer wanting to create everything I felt--both at once.  It wasn't easy.  I'm not always sure I'll survive the emotion.

If you're confused, I don't blame you.  This is how I am after reading Robin Mckinley in short spurts.  I wouldn't recommend her books unless you are interested in fantasy stories.  Her writing style is very wordy and obscure, but if you are avid about fantasy, try The Blue Sword or The Hero and the Crown.  She will carry you away...far away...  

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