
The Revision Zombie

And so I rise from the semi-dead. I'm not talking about vampires either. Or are they all-dead?* I'm talking about my sepulcher of revisions. I learned the word "sepulcher" by reading The Pilgrim's Progress.

Yes, I have been in a tomb of revisions. Which hasn't been too friendly, trapping me in its cold stone walls. And I'm not talking about Cold Stone ice cream, which I have never tried. I have heard it said that


Heh. In that case, I feel like writing and I are going to need to have a little DTR. Because drafting is so much easier and funner** than revising. For me, anyways.

And because of the pain and general not-knowing-withal of revising, I've let the fun and general have-a-good-time of blogging slip through my fingers. My apologies, Captain Needa. Star Wars Reference. And I'm not even close to being finished with my revising anyway. 

So, in case you haven't noticed, the only real point of this post is to be a dork, and to let you know what I'm up to. Sort of. 

So, tell me something about revising or Cold Stone ice cream or Star Wars. But not about zombies or vampires, please. I really don't like either of those very much, even though I'm sitting in a sepulcher right now and there may be some around. 

*All my asides are in slightly smaller type so you can ignore them if you want. Or you can ignore everything.
*I don't really accept "funner" as a word, but for the flow of the sentence, I've made a noble sacrifice.
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