

Today I saw an asteroid.  (Try using that as a conversation starter with someone you've never met.)  Basically, it looked like any average star, taking a train across the sky.

But I decided to go ahead and try to use it as a conversation starter.  In line at the supermarket, I tapped tapped the man ahead of me on the shoulder.  He turned--practically a teenager with dark, defined eyebrows.

"Today I saw an asteroid."

His dark eyebrows went up.  "Today I met a weirdo."  He turned around again.

Well, it was worth a try.  I purchased my jar of pickles and returned home.  My assistant Janet was doing her assistantly work.

"Tonight I saw an asteroid."

"Your mom's an asteroid," Janet muttered without looking up from her assitantly duties.


Do you ever start random conversations with strangers?  Do you ever fail at conversations with people you know?

I do.

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